Have you ever looked at your wardrobe with overwhelming anxiety and thought to yourself, I have so many things but nothing to wear?!
This is a common troubling thought in our modern consumerist society. Our wardrobes are filled with miss-matched items and clothes we may have never worn. Many women have been turning towards capsule wardrobes to help them with this dilemma.
In this blog post we will cover:
- What is a capsule wardrobe?
- How a capsule wardrobe can help you find your style
- How a capsule wardrobe can help you save money

What is a capsule wardrobe?
Like I said above, many people have been adopting this practice to help them tackle their overwhelming wardrobes. But what exactly is a capsule wardrobe?
In short, a capsule wardrobe is a small collection of your favourite clothes that can all easily be mixed and matched together. This collection includes everything you need (emphasis on the word need!)
Often capsule wardrobe pieces are classic pieces that will never go out of style and can also be paired with many things.
Some individuals have gone as far as to live off an entire capsule wardrobe of only 30 items. Others, like myself, create seasonal capsule wardrobes highlighting 30 (give or take) of their favourite items in their wardrobe each season and wear only these pieces.
Some people treat this as a challenge to help them reveal more about their style preferences or to teach them how to live with less.

How does a capsule wardrobe help you find your style?
When my wardrobe was filled to the brim and I had absolutely no idea what was inside of it, I also had absolutely no idea how to define my personal style.
I would shop for more and more things because I thought the answer was “in this new shirt” or “in that trendy top!” But that was so far from the truth.
This began to take it’s toll and I wanted to see change. So I decided to create my first capsule wardrobe. The process of minimizing my clothes down to just the essentials that I needed for that season, taught me what I loved about clothes and what kind of style I preferred to wear.
All of a sudden things started making sense to me. The items in my closet that didn’t reflect this style were easily donated after this. When shopping for items in the future, I had a clear idea of what I knew would suit my style and what wouldn’t. This didn’t happen overnight, but the process of creating the capsule wardrobe is what ignited this personal style journey.
How does a capsule wardrobe help you save money?
Like I said earlier, a capsule wardrobe isn’t created around trends, it’s more focused on classic pieces that will last you a lifetime. Therefore, when you begin to create a capsule wardrobe around classic pieces, your pieces will last you a lot longer.
When you stop chasing trends, you will start saving money.
Capsule wardrobes also teach you how to live with fewer items, so in turn you will feel the need to shop less. And because capsule wardrobes help you define your personal style, you are less likely to make costly shopping mistakes in the future – saving you more money.
Creating a capsule wardrobe is a great way to show yourself the potential of your current wardrobe, and remind you that you really don’t need to be going out and buying a whole lot of new things. It really does help you to see your clothes in a different light.
My online content is all about finding your personal style and living with a slow fashion mindset. I want to spread the message to women around the world that we don’t need to be buying as much as we think we do. And that we can create versatile timeless wardrobes that we love.
For more content, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel or follow me over on Instagram.

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